Today, when I, as a depressed and troubled soul (my pals say I am so always, yet), when I logged on to my blog to write, I saw a strange name who has commented on my posts. The person or rather the name (for the virtual world does not recognise figures and forms) 'Wind' commented on my posts with such a lustre that I felt slightly unsettled. Would not the reader rather skip my blog and read the comments by `Wind'. Who is this `Wind'? I really, really wanted to know.
Then, I came to the last comment of the `Wind' and found a name that is so dear to me, for my amma calls me by that name -- `Ammu'. Yes, I know who the `Wind' is .... my anna (elder brother in Tamil) who is more than anything a heart that bleeds poetry, simplicity and above all ... love. Blessed are those who come in the ambit of his loved ones...well that would be the earth and even the grains of sand on it, for he hates none. He resembles to me a cloud, fluffy and light that swims across the sky caressing everything that comes in its way, yet not stopping anywhere.
He really astonishes me, he is a father of a two-year-old and an extremely devoted husband who cares and attends to his wife in detail, yet he is not bound to this mundane world. As I said he floats. And talks endlessly....about things that no other person sees or feels. And it gives me so much pleasure when he talks to me, I feel blessed to have been born me. I thank the `Wind' for writing to me, on my blog in a tongue that just I understand. Thanks...for I feel more like myself when I read you.
A special ode for a really special person.
i see a
gentle wind,
its not a cloud,
it neither has force.
it just sweeps through faces,
gently, soothing the stupid senses,
bored 'th outward objects of beauty.
in effect,
and in a sense,
it stirs the soul,
in all of us,
tired and desparate.
this gentle wind
named `venil' in tamil
happens to be my mom's name.
my so called sister's name is shyama
may be i should accept her as she is
do winds have colours and names?
is shyama, space?
only krishna knows
theres no wind
up above the earth
there's silence,
there's stillness,
there lie simple souls.
of yours and mine
minus the timid mind
beyond the window,
the wind flows gently.
i feel love
all around me
and within self
it is calm.
soul sleeps,
with it shyama.
me says sorry,
feelin sleepy.
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